sub-Consulting HK Limited
sub-Consulting HK Limited

Answers to the Why, What and How

As You run Your business successful and long-time - You know it best.
Just sometimes You don't know how to improve but You have the impression 'something' could work better.
The answers to the 'What and How' You will get - given by your-selves, as You know Your business well. We just coach You and moderate the 'design-thinking' process -
FFF - form follows function. So, what need to be changed, to be adjusted, adopted - for a better, functional design.
Best practises, we have industry- and process-know-how, 25+ years experiences (we have just chief experts, no students or associate consultants), 

and we support You in all phases of solution-realization, implement that new functional design and operate IT.


Strictly customer-focussed.

There is just a success in an IT-solution implementation when the customer-situation was analysed deeply and fully correct and end-to-end. A start from scratch is not recommended and necessary as industry-partners are unique but there are a lot of similarities and just a significant number of differentiations - to every peer-group. Gap-Analysis - how big is the gap between customers to-be and as-is and what is best-practise in their peer-group. Those analyses will be conducted by experienced experts talking and understand business end-to-end.

'Show me the money' - we are not talking coding here in this phases.

  • Step 1

  • Step 2

  • Step 3

  • Step 4

  • Step 5



Form Follows Function.
A clear customer-focused solution design - outlined, shaped, prototyped, shaped-again and optimized, validated and improved again, customer acceptance -
MOST important.
This is absolute not a new concept - but what is aiming and correct - why we should change that?

  • Take results from Analysis

  • Match to the best fitting best-practises

  • Validate those first design-results and improve

  • Prototype and verify - with customer

  • Validate the next design-results and improve

  • Several iterations

  • User acceptance tests until perfect design


Think BIG - start small.

Think backward, solution / result focucced -
Act straight forward.

How the end-user satisfiing solution looks like and adopt exactly that - and nothing else.
The BEST - or nothing.

What are the deliverables, which solution will be adopted to support and optimize business-processes. Change-Management is extreme important herein.
The best solution will be prepared best for the customer-organisation, introduction, implementation.

Experiences and Methodology Know-How -

our roadmap to Your success

stages - from left to right, from begin to result of all our efforts

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